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Karalben Stables - where good things come in small packages

Karalben Stables is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations.


We are not a large equestrian centre where, as a student you might get lost, passed around onto different coaches or different horses every time you come for a lesson. Because we are small we can offer one-on-one instruction, providing you with the confidence, the knowledge and the feel required to improve your riding skills, with the one qualified instructor throughout your progress, either on one of our school masters or your very own horse. We also offer boutique style full board agistment and rehabilitation facilities with qualified professionals taking care of your special 4 legged friend in a safe, friendly and caring environment. We cater our riding lessons to beginner riders and we are located in the beautiful Northern Rivers, close to Alstonville and Ballina.


Horse riding is an activity for all ages and abilities, it develops balance, improves co-ordination and motor function, strengthens muscles, reflex acceleration – both cardio-vascular and muscle conditioning, mental stimulation and awareness.

The psychological benefits of horse riding can be equally as important to the rider as the physical mentioned above. Developing a relationship and a sense of trust between horse and rider helps boost your general wellbeing and learning to work with and train an animal much larger than ones self is a feeling second to none. Involved in this of course is the fact that horses need a lot of care and a client/rider/student can learn to put aside his own troubles in the immediate job of caring for the horse.

Horses by their very nature mirror moods. They respond negatively to negative emotions, teaching the student that their behaviour can affect others, which makes it necessary to modify behaviour in order to work successfully with the horse. Much can be learned by simple observation of horse behaviour.

Horses like humans can be stubborn or defiant, playful or moody and possess a variety of “herd dynamics” like pushing, kicking, biting, squealing, mutually grooming each other and grazing together.

If you have never been around horses you won’t be aware of how psychologically pleasing their presence can be. While most riders realize their riding habit is beneficial for their mental health, they might not always understand why.

Unlike other sports, horse riding requires you to work together with a beautiful and majestic animal, an experience that can have many benefits.

ï Increased Self Confidence: one of the major and biggest benefits

  • Stress Relieving: there’s something about being around horses that seems to naturally relieve stress for some people
  • Helps Patience and Focus: in addition to increased confidence and relieving stress, horse riding can also increase your patience and focus.
  • Rewarding: the best psychological benefit of horse riding is the satisfaction and reward of achieving something that may seem daunting and difficult at first, but with each progressive lesson, and new skills gained, a connection with another living creature is developed.

Horse riding offers a great workout for both the mind and body by physically boosting the cardiovascular system, exercising muscles, while releasing endorphins for the mind which are the feel good hormones creating relaxation.

Keep checking back for all the latest news and new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

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